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Where Will You Spend Eternity After This Life?

What are my options according to the Bible?


  1. Spend eternal life with God in paradise

  • God prepares a place for his people in the joyous paradise of heaven until the judgment. God will create a new heaven and earth where this present life won’t be remembered.  There will be no more crying, pain, death, evil, or violence; children can even play with lions and  cobras.  God will reign with his people in the city made of pure gold, pearls, precious stones, and water as clear as crystal.  God himself  will be the light and there will be no more night. (John 14:1-4, Luke 23:43, Isaiah 11:6-9, 60:14-22, 65:17-25, Revelation 2:7, 21:3-5, 9-22:5)

  • Knowing God is eternal life. (John 17:3, 1 John 5:20)


  2. Spend eternal life without God in Hell (destruction)

  • Hell is a place of eternal torment, weeping, fire, darkness, and agony without God. (Luke 16:23-28, Revelation 21:8, Matthew 13:49-50)

  • Most people’s lives are on the path to hell. (Matthew 7:13-14, John 10:7-9, Luke 13:23-27)

  • All whose names are not found written in God’s book of life will be condemned to hell.  (Revelation 20:11-15)

  • God doesn’t want anyone to go to hell, but for all to repent (turn from sin). (Ezekiel 18:32, 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4)   See WARNING!! list.

  • God will eventually destroy the present heavens & earth by fire. (Deuteronomy 32:22, 2 Peter 3:7-10, Revelation 21:1


How can I go to Heaven and not to Hell?


  1. Believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior 

  • Jesus is the Son of God. (Matthew 8:29, 14:33, 26:63-64)

  • Jesus is the Word of God that lived as a man on earth. (John 1:1-3, 14, Revelation 19:13)


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