Straight from the Bible
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Jesus says that if we love him we will keep his commands (John 14:15). If we keep his commands, he will give us the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-21). So, what are his commands?
Do God’s will. (Matthew 7:21-23, 12:48-50, 21:28-32)
Believe in Jesus Christ. (John 3:14-21, John 6:28-29)
Enter through Jesus (the narrow way). (Matthew 7:13–14, John 10:1-18, 14:6)
Take communion - eat bread & drink grape juice in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice. (Matthew 26:26–27, Luke 22:19-20)
Have faith in God. (Mark 11:22)
Trust in God and in Jesus. (John 14:1)
Repent - turn away from sinful living. (Matthew 4:17, 11:20-24, 21:28-32, Luke 13:1-5)
Get water baptized (Matthew 3:1-15, 28:19, Luke 7:29-30)
Forgive everyone so that your sins may be forgiven. (Matthew 6:14-15, Mark 11:25-26, Luke 6:37)
Clothe yourself in righteous acts. (Matthew 22:1-14, Revelations 19:7-8)
Remain in Jesus and let his words remain in you. (John 15:1-11)
Put Jesus’ words into practice. (Matthew 7:24-27, Luke 6:46-49, 11:27-28)
Have these attitudes (Matthew 5:1-12):
Be poor in spirit (humble, contrite, & aware of your need for God). (Matthew 5:3, Luke 6:20)
Be mournful (grieved or contrite) over sin. (Matthew 5:4)
Be meek (gentle or humble) like a child to enter God’s kingdom. (Matthew 5:5, 18:1-4)
Be hungry & thirsty for righteousness. (Matthew 5:6)
Be merciful (forgiving). (Matthew 5:7, 9:10-13, 18:21-35, Luke 6:36)
Be pure in heart (wanting God without impure motives). (Matthew 5:8)
Be a peacemaker. (Matthew 5:9)
Be persecuted for righteousness & rejoice if you are persecuted. (Matthew 5:10)
Do not worry (stress) about material needs (food, clothes, etc). (Matthew 6:25-26)
Do not worry (stress) about tomorrow. (Matthew 6:34)
Do not judge or condemn others. (Matthew 7:1-2, Luke 6:37-38)
Do not be a “lukewarm” Christian. Seek God’s spirit & righteousness. (Revelation 3:14-18)
Honor & teach God’s Commands (Matthew 5:17–18, 19:17-19, Mark 10:17-21, Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:6-21)
Do not put anything ahead of God your Creator.
Do not make or worship idols.
Do not take the name of God in vain.
Keep the Sabbath (Saturday) holy and as a day of rest.
Honor your father and your mother. (also Matthew 15:4)
Do not commit murder.
Do not commit adultery.
Do not steal.
Do not tell lies against anyone.
Do not covet other people's possessions.
Do not hate, but go to your offender & settle your disputes quickly. (Matthew 5:21-26, 18:15-17)
Do not commit adultery, even in your heart (by lusting). (Matthew 5:27-28)
Cut off anything that causes sin in your life. (Matthew 5:29-30, 18:8-9)
Do not swear by anything. (Matthew 5:34-37)
Do not repay evil for evil. (Turn the other cheek.) (Matthew 5:38-39)
Be perfect. (Matthew 5:48)
Do not share sacred (holy) things with those who are evil. (Matthew 7:6)
Do not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 12:22-32, Luke 12:10)
Do not cause anyone to sin. (Matthew 13:41-42, 18:6-7)
Do not practice the following (Matthew 15:18-19, Revelations 22:14-15):
sexual immorality (includes fornication, homosexuality, & pornography)
false testimony
Do not be a hypocrite. (Matthew 16:6, 23:1-39, Luke 12:1-3)
Don’t divorce except for marital unfaithfulness. (Matthew 19:7-9)
Don’t hinder children from coming to Jesus. (Matthew 19:13-14)
Pay your taxes. (Matthew 22:17–21)
Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you. (John 5:14)
Pray to the Father in secret, not to gain praise from people. (Matthew 6:5-7)
Fast (abstain from food and/or drink) secretly and not for show. (Matthew 6:16-18)
This is how to pray (Matthew 6:9-15):
Honor & praise God
Pray for his will
Pray for your needs
Pray for forgiveness
Pray for deliverance
Seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness 1st. (Matthew 6:33)
Persistently ask God for his gifts and for the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 7:7–11, Luke 11:9-13)
Ask the Lord to send out more workers into the world to bring salvation. (Matthew 9:36-38)
Be a house of prayer. (Matthew 21:12-13)
Pray with faith and do not doubt. Believe that you have received it. (Matthew 21:21–22, Mark 11:22-24)
Watch and pray to resist temptation. (Matthew 26:41)
Always pray and don’t give up. (Luke 11:5-8,18:1-8)
Worship the Father in spirit and in truth. (John 4:21-24)
Pray in Jesus’ name. (John14:8-14, 15:7, 16-17)
Give to the one who asks you.Go the extra mile. (Matthew 5:38–42)
Store up treasures in heaven, not on earth. (Matthew 6:19-21)
Give to the poor in secret, not to gain praise from people. (Matthew 6:1)
Give to or support God’s disciples. (Matthew 10:40-42)
Give as much as you can to God. Tithing is a good start. (Matthew 23:23, Mark 12:41-44, Luke 11:42)
Sell your possessions and give to the poor. (Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21, Luke 12:32-34)
Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, comfort those in distress. (Matthew 25:31-46)
Give and it will be given to you. (Luke 6:38)
Be on your guard against kinds of greed. Make sure you’re rich towards God before storing up for yourself.
(Luke 12:13-21)
Invite the poor instead of those who can pay you back. (Luke 14:12–14)
Love, pray for, and do good to your enemies. (Matthew 5:43-45, Luke 6:27-36)
In everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12)
The greatest commandments of the Bible (Matthew 22:36-40) are:
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, & strength
Love your neighbour as yourself (also Matthew 19:19)
Get over your issue(s), then help your brother. (Matthew 7:3-5)
Watch out for false prophets. (Matthew 7:15)
Go out of your way to help those in need without being asked, like the Good Samaritan. (Matthew 22:34-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:30-37)
Love others as Jesus loves you (lay down your life for others). (John 15:12-13)
Don’t forsake you first love. (Revelations 2:4-6)
Leave your life and become a disciple (follow Jesus). (Matthew 4:19, 19:27-30, Mark 10:28-31, Luke 9:57-62, 14:25-33, John 8:12, 21:19-22)
Let your light (good works) shine to bring God praise. (Matthew 5:15-16)
Jesus gave his disciples authority and sent them out to witness with these instructions (Matthew 10:1-10, Luke 10:1-12):
Go to the Israelites only. (Matthew 10:5-6)
Preach: “the kingdom of heaven is near.” (Matthew 10:7)
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse diseases, and drive out demons without charge. (Matthew 10:8)
Don’t take any money, but find some worthy person to take care of you. (Matthew 10:9-10)
If they don’t welcome you, warn them and leave. (Matthew 10:14-15)
Be wise as snakes but also innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16)
Be on your guard against men who will persecute you. (Matthew 10:17)
Don’t worry about what to say (the Holy Spirit will speak through you). (Matthew 10:19-20)
When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. (Matthew 10:22)
Don’t greet anyone on the road (don’t get distracted). (Luke 10:4)
Fear God, not man.Proclaim His word. (Matthew 10:26-33, Luke 12:4-9)
Deny yourself, take up your cross (die to self), and follow Jesus. (Matthew 10:37-39, 16:21-27, Luke 9:23-27)
Come to Jesus, submit to him, & learn from him. (Matthew 11:28-30)
If you want to become great in God’s kingdom, become a slave and servant to other. (Matthew 20:25–28)
Use what God gives you to gain increase for Him. (Matthew 25:14-30)
Do not love honor from men.Do not be called teacher, or father. (Matthew 23:1-12)
Stay faithful until death and ready for Christ to come to you. (Matthew 24:42–51, 25:1-30, Luke 12:35-46, Revelations 2:10)
The (Matthew 28:19-20):
Make disciples (convert people to following Christ).
Baptize them.
Teach them Christ’s commands.
Don’t oppose other believers who are serving God. (Mark 9:38-40)
Wash one another’s feet (serve each other).(John 13:14)
Wait to receive God’s power. (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4-5)
You must be born again (spiritually born). (John 3:5-8, 1 Corinthians 15:44-50, 1 John 3:9-10)
Obey Jesus’ commands in order to receive the Holy Spirit. (John 14:15-15:17, Revelations 3:1-3)
Receive the Holy Spirit. (John 20:22, Matthew 3:11)